Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Swiss Adam

Swiss Adam: he's not really Swiss, you know

Our next #BlogCon25 interviewee is unfortunately not coming to Bristol in June. But, as with Rol, Swiss Adam is an honorary squad member. His longstanding invitation to this or any future blogging convention will remain open in perpetuity. I'll give you an idea of just how prolific a writer Adam is: we both started blogging around the same time and, in the intervening 15 years, I've written just north of 1,500 posts; Adam, meanwhile, has penned 6,000. Six thousand! Whereas I'm just playing at this blogging lark, Swiss Adam is the real deal. Over to you, Adam...

* What was the first band you ever went to see?

Madness at Manchester Apollo, 1983 (I was 13, half my school were there probably much the annoyance of their older fans). They were supported by JoBoxers, so technically they were the first band I saw. 

JoBoxers - Keeping the devil in Hell

* The best single ever released is...?

Good question. Today it's White Man In Hammersmith Palais because I just heard the sad news that Johnny Green, The Clash's road manager has died. 

* What or who got you into blogging? Is writing every day good for your soul? And where did Swiss Adam come from? 

I got into blogging because I spent a couple of years reading other people's music blogs, back in 2007-9, some long gone and some still going (The Vinyl Villain, Acid Ted). Eventually I thought 'I can have a go at this' and started out. In the beginning, 1st Jan 2010, I was only intending to do it for a year, and see where it took me. Also, at fist I thought it was about the music but after a while I realised it wasn't just about the music, it was about the writing. And the community. Writing every day is good for my soul. I like the discipline of it, of having to come up with something. It works for me. Swiss Adam comes from my band Swiss Guards, active in the late 90s and 00s. I was vocals and some of the guitars, lyrics and ham-fisted chord changes.

* Guitar bands or DJ sets?

Both. Bands for the short hit, DJs for the longer journey

* Supplementary questions - Stone Roses or Happy Mondays? / Mr. Scruff or A Guy Called Gerald?

Roses / Gerald. 

* Manchester is closing next week for major refurbishment. Could take up to five years. Everyone's being displaced. Where are you pitching up?

Whenever I visit Sheffield I think that's somewhere I could live. I love Liverpool but the respective fortunes of our football teams might set my teeth on edge. Having been to Belfast last week I could happily spend five years there if I had to. 

Belfast - "Hello & Welcome"

* What item/thing/trinket/ do you own that you've had for the longest time and would never part with? 

I have some books and records from teenage years I'd hate to part with. 

* The pub 50 yards from your house has got the best jukebox in town but their beer is shocking. The pub five miles away has the best beer selection in Europe but the landlord plays Take That and Gary Barlow on constant rotation. Where are you taking me? (Obviously this is before Manchester shuts down!)

The pub with the good beer. We can sit outside to escape the TT/ Barlow horror.

* Books/Audiobooks/Kindle - what does it for you? And what are you currently reading? 

Books. Every time. You can't beat the feel and the smell of a book. Storage becomes an issue but it's a price worth paying. 
Munichs by David Peace and Dylan Goes Electric by Elijah Wald. 

* The time machine question. (It's just been serviced btw so you can go backwards or forwards). Where and when are you going? 

Late 70s, either the Clash live in concert in the UK, then across the Atlantic and catch them in the USA. Or a 1920s, post Great War, European jaunt to Paris, Berlin & beyond. 

* Who put the Ram in the Rama Lama Ding Dong?

I dunno. Speak to Primal Scream - they had the Rama Lama Fa Fa Fa and borrowed & stole from all over the place, so maybe they know.


Thank you, Adam. And it's never too late to change yer mind about Bristol! 


  1. Top work SA and JM
    Disappointed you never chose Glasgow!

  2. I should have CC, you're right.

  3. Excellent read, thanks for this both of you.
    We might cross paths in 1920s Paris too, SA!

  4. As far as I can tell, Manchester is always closed for refurbishment. So is Leeds.
