Monday, 24 March 2025

Down by the Jetty

I took a walk by the river earlier; it was a lovely afternoon (it still is at the time of writing this). On my travels I met a couple of (disillusioned) Canadians who had spotted my maple leaf pin on my lapel (the one you see above - taken a couple of weeks ago when the weather wasn't quite so clement). They asked if I had citizenship, I said no - but I always side with the bullied, not the bully: Canada, Ukraine, Mexico, Panama, Greenland et al (I've never owned so many pins). All three of us bemoaned Trump and couldn't believe how in the space of less than 100 days he's fucked up the world. They looked tired - I said they'll never be the 51st state. "Over my dead body" one of them said as we parted ways. "Solidarity!" I shouted back. Trump is a cunt, that's for sure, but I can't dwell on matters 5,000+ miles away right now. I have stuff going on much nearer to home that needs my undivided attention (see below).

Anyway, as Alyson often reminds herself whenever she gets bogged down in the weeds "This is a music blog, so where's the music?" Are We There Yet started life as a music blog but often strays from the straight and narrow, but today, and in true Alyson style, I'll remind anyone who's not aware that Doctor Feelgood released their seminal debut album, Down by the Jetty, fifty years ago - January 1975 to be precise. It changed the world; in a good way, unlike Trump. This is Roxette...

Doctor Feelgood - Roxette (1975)


As some of you may know I went into hospital last Friday for a procedure connected with my recent surgery. For various reasons it didn't happen but has been rescheduled for this Wednesday (I'm being admitted tomorrow). I'll see you back here in a few days, hopefully.


  1. Hi John,
    I hope that all treatments go well and I will see you in a few weeks in good health. All the best your friend, Walter

  2. Super post, great photo, great music (argh 50 years?!) and sentiments - but really sorry to hear that your procedure was postponed - all the best for it today x

  3. Best of luck for tomorrow, John. Hope you Feelgood again soon.

  4. I’ve been thinking of you, John, especially today. I hope it went as well as could be expected and that you are back home…and blogging…real soon.

    Great post.

  5. All the best John, hope today has gone smoothly.
