* What got you into blogging?
Our mutual blogging chum C introduced me to it. We worked together in a record shop two thirds of a lifetime ago and stayed in contact by letter and Christmas card thereafter. BlogCon22 was the first time we'd actually met up in around 35 years. It was emotional I can tell you.
* Do you find writing cathartic?
I've been struggling, really struggling, for a number of years now, but when it flows, yes.
* Do you have a favourite record store and or bookshop?
The marvellous Newham Bookshop on the Barking Road in East Ham. My advice is not to go there with the intention of just killing time, it simply won't work - you'll come out carrying an armful, I guarantee. When you do leave the shop and want somewhere to sit and crack the spine of a new purchase, The Boleyn is just a few steps away. It's a magnificent London boozer with good food, comfy chairs and a free jukebox full of corking tunes. And if they happen to be serving Five Points Best when you drop in, your day couldn't possibly get any better.
Sounds of the Universe in Soho is another place to actively avoid if you want to hang on to your readies. It's an impossibly great record shop that I defy any music lover to depart from empty handed.
* Do you sing in the shower?
I sing (and/or whistle) all the time, much to the irritation of housemates/girlfriends/work colleagues down the years.
* Indian or Chinese?
* I know you're a coffee connoisseur but world production of coffee beans has been halted permanently (something to do with Trump/Musk). What do you reach for in its place?
The very thought is too horrific to contemplate, but since we're mercifully talking hypothetically, it would be Earl Grey Tea.
* Beatles or the Stones?
God knows I love you Keef, but it's The Fabs all day long.
* Bus travel - top deck or bottom?
For the first few years of my life I gave my parents very little choice in the matter, darting up the stairs and heading to the front, pretending I was the bus driver. These days, what with my gammy knees and all, I'm more than happy to plop into the nearest available seat downstairs.
* You've just taken delivery of a time machine. Where and when are you going to?
Good grief! I could lose a great many hours overthinking this one, so I won't think at all and leave you with an answer I've given to a similar question before - 1975/76, following Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Tour around America.
* Which of the following statements is true?
- Your local village hall is hosting a gig next week but can't decide whether to put on Robyn Hitchcock or Bruce Springsteen. The Ents. Committee is split down the middle and has given you the casting vote.
- Your blogging handle harks back to when you were selling fruit and veg on Walthamstow Market in the early 70s which coincided with a massive uptick in Londoner's swede and turnip consumption.
Sadly both statements are fake news, though this conundrum would be a no brainer - Hitchcock every time. If, however, the choices were Robyn or Bob (Dylan), I'd obviously choose the latter, safe in the knowledge that Mr Hitchcock would be standing next to me in the audience.
From the age of nine or 10, I was indeed dispatched (with my even younger cousin in tow) to Walthamstow Market every Saturday to pick up shopping including fresh bread and veg, although, try as they might, my folks couldn't get me to eat any actual vegetables at all, save for the humble potato. They even tried the old chestnut of hiding mashed swede beneath my mashed potatoes, but I was having none of it. Interestingly, other items on my regular weekly shopping list in 1969/70 included Esso Blue paraffin for our stove heaters and Guards cigarettes for my Dad. Different times.
Ernie here at the airport. Can I ask The Swede how he knew it was Esso Blue? I anticipate his reply might refer to other brands he tried.
ReplyDeleteThis was a thoroughly entertaining piece. Nice to know a bit more about our friend The Swede
ReplyDeleteThanks, Adam. He's a thoroughly enertaining fella.
DeleteYou fancy dropping in on us in June...?
Excellent questions and even better answers. I look forward to reading more of these.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rol. There's more in the pipeline!
DeleteSame question I asked Adam - you fancy it?
In another life, definitely...
DeleteWhat a lovely Q&A, made my day already. Thank you TS and to John for opening the floor.
ReplyDeleteThank you, C. I do like to make people's day.
DeleteI hadn't realised that you were going to turn this round quite so quickly John, otherwise I would've got back to you with some Tsunami waffle pre-publication. Long story short, they were an American band who made three albums and a handful of singles in the mid-1990s. I was into them big time, but they made no general impact over here whatsoever, so imagine my state of gobsmackedness when this career-spanning box set appeared out of nowhere late last year. I'll no doubt elaborate over at my place at some point in the future - and I'll also answer Ernie's question, with the aid of a period artifact!
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking the questions John, it was a lot of fun answering them. I look forward necking to a pint or two with you in Bristol.
Thank you so much for doing this, TS. See you in Bristol!
DeleteA lovely idea and a lovely read about our old friend TS.
ReplyDeleteHe's a good egg, isn't he? I'm looking forward to swapping war stories with him in Bristol.
DeleteI’ve finally found 30 mins to sit down with a coffee, read these all over again AND comment. What a pleasure to revisit these Q&As. Very much looking forward to meeting you in June, TS!