Although Rol Hirst may not be on the team sheet for #BlogCon25 (he gave me some jive about picking up a knock in training, or washing his hair that night; I forget) he's most definitely a squad member: Rol's standing on the blogging stage is set in stone and although I make light of his reluctance to come out and play in Bristol I know he'll be cheering the rest of the team on from the touchline. But one day he'll surprise us and, rather than just buy him a digital coffee, I'll be able to buy 'Mr. Saturday Snapshots' a real cup of java.
* What was the first 45/cassingle/CD single you bought with your own money? And if it was Queen, what is it with you and Queen?! (I'm joking.)
First 45 I bought was Respect Yourself by Bruce Willis & first LP I bought was The Return Of Bruno by Bruce Willis.
I'm guessing Queen doesn't sound so bad now, does it? (I probably had the Queen Greatest Hits LP by this point, but my sister bought me that.)
(And as to the second part of the question, I never understand the animosity a lot of people feel towards Queen. Then again, with the exception of That Irish Band and the two Mancunian Muppet Brothers, I can't understand the animosity people feel towards any musical acts. It's OK to say "that's not my cup of tea", but it's the hating I don't get. And as for my own hatred of the aforementioned two... even that isn't really about their music. It's about their egos. The music I can take or leave, but my appreciation of the music has been coloured by a distaste for their arrogance.
Bruce Willis - Respect Yourself (1986)
* You're a prolific writer (not least a daily blogger), a voracious reader, father of a young son and full-time teacher. Are there enough hours in the day?
* It's Friday night, you and Mrs. Rol have decided to push the boat out. Of all the fine dining/takeaway establishments in West Yorkshire, what are you ordering? And what are you washing it down with?
We're a bit restricted as Mrs. Rol is gluten free so Chinese is probably the safest takeaway. (She likes curries but I can't stand cumin.) I'll probably have ribs and sweet and sour chicken with a nice glass of cranberry juice. Followed by a lovely spearmint and chamomile tea. Rock and Roll!
* Supplementary question - it appears a lot of bloggers are addicted to coffee. Am I right in suspecting you are one of them?
Yes. But I have to limit myself to a couple a day or the anxiety levels go through the roof.
* What do you hang on your walls? Which piece in which room fills you with joy every time you look at it?
I have a series of three paintings over the bed in the spare room / my office which depict:
1. Hill Valley, California (with the town hall clock).
2. The road leading into Twin Peaks.
3. The 'I Want to Believe' poster that Fox Mulder has on his wall in The X-Files.
Over my desk there is also a painted image of Walter, Donnie and The Dude in their bowling alley (The dude abides! I love The Big Lebowski - JM.) and a framed photo from an old movie mag of Jack Nicholson ordering a drink in The Shining.
* Your blog is predominantly music oriented but is never afraid to tackle social issues (not least mental health, which you not only hit head on but write about very movingly). How much are you drawing on your lived experience?
It's all true. I've kind of run out of time & energy to do the mental health posts lately though. I still want to do them as they helped me and other people seemed to like them, but... I refer you back to Q2.
* I know you used to work in radio. Were you living the dream? Or were you surrounded by Smasheys & Niceys?
In the early days, it was heaven. Then it gradually became more and more corporate and the fun, creativity and variety was sucked out of it by bean counters. I'm glad I was eventually made redundant because since then the local radio industry has died a slow and painful death in this country. Don't start me off.
A nice quiet night in (or a great night out) with Smashey & Nicey
* The old chestnut - You've just acquired a time machine. Where and when are you going?
Hill Valley, California, 1955. (Figures - JM)
* Tell us something about yourself you've never told another living soul.
I wish I had an interesting answer for this. I could make something up if you like?
* Did you honestly think that when you started Saturday Snapshots it would still be running all these years later? And are you aware how many people are setting their alarm clocks (on a Saturday morning!) to ensure a prime 'fingers on buzzers' box seat?
I'm surprised anything I do on my blog lasts more than a couple of weeks. As much as I say I only write the blog for myself, the only impetus I have to keep doing anything is if other people find something worthwhile in it. That's why I can find the energy to keep doing Snapshots... even though I seriously question why you're not all bored of it by now, and secretly wonder if... wait, this is an answer to Q9: maybe you're all continuing to take part because you're worried about my mental health? That's sweet if it's true, but please don't worry about me. The same goes for George and Ernie who insist on keeping Namesakes going. I mean, if you guys genuinely get something out of this nonsense, then great. But please don't humour me! (Having now written that, I worry about whether I should have written it, whether in itself it crosses a line you, John, were concerned about in Q6. But such is the nature of my insecurity.)
On the other hand, if you really are setting your alarm clocks for 8.30, then thank you. But that's your own competitive nature driving you. It's nothing to do with me. You've got all day to answer the bloody thing if you want. Except... what if someone else beats you to the answers? Arrgh!
I like the sense of camaraderie and belonging Snapshots creates though. So much of the internet is negativity, people arguing or slagging everything off. This - and our whole little corner of the blogosphere - shows that social networking in its purest sense can be a success. I have more friends here, who I speak to more regularly, than I do in the real world. And even if it's just a one line comment or a joke or an answer to the quiz, it's always appreciated. Keeps the loneliness away from the door.
Thank you, John. I hope that wasn't too much. (Not at all, Rol. It's perfect - JM.)
Rol's honesty is admirable. I offered to redact anything he wasn't comfortable with but he gave me the green light. Thank you, Rol.
I can assure Rol that I do not set my alarm for 8.30am on Saturdays just to do Snapsnots. I set it for 7.30am so the coffee has time to kick in.
ReplyDeleteIt's like we've all joined a cult/secret society.
DeleteI just don't understand why Namesakes is not THE most popular blogging page on the entire internet
ReplyDeleteThat's because there's another blog thread out there, also called Namesakes, which is the most popular blogging page on the entire internet.
DeleteWell, I've never heard of it!
DeleteAnother great read. These posts are so illuminating. Count me in!
ReplyDeleteYou're in, Adam! Just waiting on yer SMcSF and I'll ping some Qs over.
DeleteReally enjoyed that, thank you both. I can assure you too Rol that the only reason I ever set the alarm on a Saturday morning these days is for Snapshots.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like another slavish cult member! (See my reply to Ernesto, above.)
DeleteMy body clock wakes me for Saturday Snapshots such is it's status.
ReplyDeleteIt,and you,Rol are a cornerstone of our little community
Couldn't have put it better myself, CC.
DeleteLook at that photo - he's definitely the baby of the group.
ReplyDeleteGreat set of answers, and yes Rol, I always set my alarm for Sat Snapshots - if I didn't get fastest finger first I would never pick up any points! Thanks so much for continuing to put it together for us.
Another great read, John. If it is possible to join the #BlogCon25 let me know. It would be a great honour for me to meet you all in person.
ReplyDeleteI can vouch for Walter.
DeleteI've met him a couple of times and he is A fine fellow
DeleteLooks like yer in, Walter! Speak to Alyson and she'll furnish you with details. See you in Bristol!
DeleteIt'd be lovely to go truly international! Look forward to meeting you Walter if you do come over.