Saturday, 22 February 2025


I was in need of a pick me up this week; despite my recuperation generally going well - I certainly have more good days than bad days - I must admit I was feeling pretty low mid-week. Wednesday was one of those days when just planning something as normal as taking a shower or even making a sandwich took a massive amount of planning in my (fuzzy) head.

However, help was at hand. A DVD copy of a classic James Stewart picture from 1950 had recently dropped on the doormat: Harvey is the tale of gentle soul Elwood P. Dowd and his (imaginary?) 6'-3½" rabbit. Elwood regularly takes Harvey to his local bar, Charlie's, and introduces him to all and sundry. His sister however is not so keen on her brother's 'pookah' and is trying to get Elwood committed into the local sanitarium. To say hilarity ensues would be far too glib. The script is way too tight to be construed as a mere farce - Harvey was originally a stage play and indeed Stewart came over to London's West End to reprise his role as Dowd in both the 1970 and 1975 sell out runs. 

The film pulls you in from the get go - yes, It's got comedy, yes, it's got pathos but it's also sprinkled with magic dust. (Stewart was often quoted saying it was one of his favourite roles.) 100 minutes later my spirits were well and truly lifted - with my personal wellbeing meter shooting up from a lowly 6/10 to a solid 8; it was then time to dive in the shower and rustle up some nosebag out of the fridge. This film should be made available on the NHS.

Harvey - Trailer (1950)


  1. Very pleased to know that you're having more good days than bad days but you're on a long recovery from such a major op, it must be hard work and no wonder it gets you down from time to time. Sending you best wishes and positive vibes - be kind to yourself and you'll get there.
    Harvey sounds just the ticket; I'm somewhat ashamed to say I've never seen it, so must rectify that.

    1. Thank you, C. It's borne out of frustration as much as anything. By the time Bristol comes around I'm hoping this will all be in the rear view mirror.

  2. Great film. Not seen it in years. Must dig it out.

    Hope you're on an upward swing.

  3. Haven't seen that film for years but glad it gave you a thrill.

    Happy to hear there are now more good days than bad. Onward and upward.
