Tuesday, 11 February 2025


Revisiting Department C

Cee/C (full name withheld - available on request) is a very talented illustrator and blogs under the moniker Sun Dried Sparrows. She was was born in the 60s and grew up in the 70s; that's pretty much all you need to know. That and the fact that she's my go to person when it comes to crinkle-crankle walls. C has attended all three previous BlogCons and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again in Bristol. Ahead of BC she's also agreed to a spot of mild interrogation.

* What was the first record you bought with your own money? 

My first single was Abba's 'Dancing Queen' in the long hot Summer of blue eyeshadow and double denim. But everything had changed by the time I was ready for the thrill of proper, grown-up record ownership some months later and my first album purchase was the Clash debut . I'll never forget my excitement at hearing 'Janie Jones' through the headphones in the record shop just before I handed over my long-saved pocket money. It's retained a special place in my heart ever since. 

* What got you into blogging? 

I was feeling a bit isolated freelancing from home, and also working in children's books it felt like a large portion of my life revolved around cute and gentle fluffiness. Too much. I needed an outlet which was more adult! I wanted to talk about sweaty gigs, first kisses, art school characters, life and death, weird people on trains and spiders, alongside more niche tastes in music, art, etc... so I thought, why not start a blog and see what happens? I could never have anticipated that it would connect me to such warm and interesting people.  

* Do you find writing cathartic? As cathartic as painting? 

Oh this is hard as; until quite recently, I absolutely adored writing and yes, it was cathartic, but I'm finding it really difficult to do at the moment. Painting therefore wins right now, and I'm sorry to have been such a crap blogger of late. Maybe that will change.

Do you have a favourite record store and or bookshop?

 No - but I have worked in both.  

* Do you sing in the shower? 

I don't, but I often write blog posts in my head there. And then promptly lose the thoughts by the time I'm out. 

* Indian or Chinese? 


* You're known over at Sun Dried Sparrows as being something of an expert walking guide. Do countryside rambles 'do it for you' more than navigating urban landscapes or can you find equal pleasure in both? 

Well thank you. I'm a country girl really; aged 12/13 my friends and I used to go on long walks along bridleways, across fields and through woodland, for hours. We mapped everything out mentally: turn left at this tree, turn right at that gate, etc. I still have frequent dreams where I'm finding my way through rural landscapes with those kind of landmarks, it's embedded. The last time I navigated a completely new urban landscape was during a solo trip to Bristol ten years ago, and I got lost! 

* Pistols or the Clash? 

 The Clash. See Q1. 

* Travelling on buses - top deck or bottom?

Definitely top deck, front. The things you get to see - a rusty old coach in someone's back garden, a pair of shoes stranded on a rooftop, the intimate details of a gargoyle's nostrils. 

* You've just taken delivery of a time machine. Where and when are you going to?

London, 1967, to hang out at the UFO Club and attend the 14 Hour Technicolour Dream event at Alexandra Palace. I'd also like to pop into the early 1920s on the way and have a coffee at La Rotonde in Paris. 

* There's a Triumph Herald blocking access to your house. It's a rather tasty specimen but it's blocking the access all the same. Do you, a: harrumph and go marching over to it and leave a strongly worded note under the windscreen wipers. Or, b: - photograph it, paint it and write a blog about it?

Definitely b. And I'd wait around to meet the owner to enthuse about turning circles and wooden dashboards.


Thank you, C. Splendid answers! C tells me she's currently getting her kicks via Department S reruns on Rewind TV (a brilliant SMcSF above). And when I told her the esteemed company she was now in, having filed a JM Q&A (previous subjects have included The Swede, David Hepworth, Alan Hudson, Helen Zaltzmann, Mark Ellen and Phil Wilding, to mention but a few), she responded: "An incredible honour, thank you! This is the most I've written in six months, C. x" See you in Bristol, C!


  1. Another great read
    Swiss Adam

    1. Thank you, Adam; though I can't possibly take the credit - it's literally all down to my brilliant subjects who are shining a little light into their lives (if not their souls).
      The invite to Bristol is an open one, obviously, but I would understand totally if you were to say "thanks but no thanks." That said, you may not be in the team this year but I definitely see you as a squad member - if you wanted to sign-up for a non-invasive quick-fire Q&A I'll gladly ping one over to you as I'm sure we'd all love to see what makes Swiss Adam tick. No pressure!

    2. Thanks for the invite John, it would be great to meet up in real life at some point. In my experience, bloggers are invariably lovely in real life.

  2. You write so well about the countryside, C, like something out of an old novel. I grew up on a farm but my memories are just mucking out and rain and losing my Action Man down the stream. Nothing so romantic.

    1. Forgive the pun, but your action man (story) has got legs. What happened?

  3. A really lovely read C. I'm reminded of the period several years ago when we each posted about a few of our local walks (as did a number of our other blogging chums). I still regularly post walks on Instagram, but I've not covered my new patch on the blog at all - and I've been living here nearly 5 years! I feel a new series coming on!

    1. Do it! 'The Swede Swings By' is a mini series for sure.

  4. Another great Q & A. I think I could anticipate many of these answers as after nearly 10 years of being blogging buddies I feel I know her well, but as ever, she writes with her own unique style.

    1. She does, Alyson; you're right, her regular take on the countryside, worms, bygone fashion, Triumph Heralds [the list goes on] has been sorely missed by a lot of people.

  5. Slightly disappointed to fins no references to the impact of anarcho-syndicalism in the bookshop sector, but otherwise an excellent read (as you would expect from C).

    1. An excellent read, indeed. Let's hope this is the springboard to SDS 2.0.

  6. Many thanks for kind comments and to John for hosting the Q&A - fab questions and you actually got me writing again!

    1. You're very welcome, C. As I said to Ernesto (above) maybe we'll start to see your regular byline appearing again soon...?

  7. I enjoy a (moderate) walk and growing up/living in suburban and central Bristol for so many years opened up some wonderful worlds.

    Down a lane in a rough part of town would take you into an oasis of calm, where you picnic by a stream and go sloe picking in late autumn. You just might not find all your wheels intact when you got back to the car!

    I think BlogCon25 will be lots of fun!
