Monday, 27 January 2025


The remit from the Cardiology Dept. when they sent me home was very simple. Rest. No driving. No lifting. No reaching. No stretching. To the point that when making a cup of tea boil only enough water for one cup. My body is healing they said. The wound, the chest cavity, the nerve endings are all slowly knitting back together and any exertions are to be kept to a bare minimum. And so, since my release papers from hospital were signed I've basically done nothing of a physical nature. Fuck all; a brisk daily walk just to get me out of the house for half an hour (my sanity is at stake here!) has been the sum total of my exercise regime.

My post-operative nurse is coming to assess me tomorrow to set up a rehabilitation programme which will hopefully see me dipping my toe back in the waters of normality. I think I'm ready. 


It being a Monday I thought, after a long hiatus, I'd reconnect with the Monday Long Song thread. I've been playing a lot of Ashra recently. Hailing from Germany they carved out quite a successful career from 1976 to the late 90s straddling in equal measure krautrock, electronic & ambient - basically making the sort of racket I like. See what you think...

Ashra - Sunrain (1976)


  1. I don't wish to be rude about Ashra, but it sounds like venturing out more as soon as you get the green light would be a good thing

  2. That's quite the restrictive recovery John. Glad you've been following orders and hope you can get to do a bit more now.

  3. Restrictive recovery regime I meant to type

  4. I can't begin to imagine how this must all feel for you John - just the mention of the chest cavity and nerve endings knitting back together makes my toes curl and I know that's only the half - or less - of it. Hope the assessment went well for you yesterday and your rehab programme allows for some things you can enjoy. Please do keep us posted on your progress, we're all behind you I know.
    The Ashra track is very uplifting, can see why you've been getting into their sound.

  5. Hope you're back to running marathons very soon, John.

  6. Ernesto/Adam/C/Rol - Thank you. I'm getting there...
