Monday, 6 January 2025

From the heart

A belated Happy New Year to you all. I knew prior to going into hospital that I'd be out of commission for a wee while. Quite how long was/is something I'll have to judge on a day by day basis. Anyhoo, despite a couple of setbacks I'm now finally back ensonsed at Medd Towers. In between receiving visitors bearing hard boiled eggs and nuts, I've also been penning a thank you letter to the hospital. In the last 30 days or so a number of very special NHS workers (they know who they are) between them, it's no exaggeration to say, saved my life. And for that I know I shall never be able to thank them. Not fully.  

Anyway, how are you all doing? How was your Christmas and New Year? Good, bad or indifferent I'm sure it was well doucumented. Mine normally would have been but as I spent Christmas Day, my birthday and New Year in an isolation ward I can honestly say that my camera never saw as much as a bit of tinsel. However, my phone did come out to record one very special event: during one of the many explorations of my heart (I've  honestly lost count of the number of chest x-rays, ECGs and echo cardiograms I've had in the last few weeks) I was asked to have a look for myself at how magnificently my new aortic heart valve is functioning...

That's enough exertion for one day. I've no idea how much energy I'll have to write anything meaningful at this time, but I will be reading your blogs and may even leave the odd comment. It's good to be back. J x


  1. It's good to have you back, John. Rest up, and HNY to you.

  2. Ernie reporting in from foreign climes. You’ve shared some great photos over the years but that may be the best of the lot.

  3. Good to gave you back John, hope you continue to pick up and are back to your best soon.
    Swiss Adam

  4. Good to see you are back home John and wishing you a speedy recovery..
    Thank god for the NHS.

  5. Fantastic to see you here! Seconding Ernie's comment on the photo. Keep on keeping on with your recovery and a huge thank you to the NHS.

  6. Reading your post filled me up and Ernie's comment tipped me over the edge. Now I'm blubbing like a good 'un. Lovely to hear that you're back at home John - hats off to the wonderful NHS.

  7. Great to see that you're back home and recovering well. Sending you all my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Happy New Year.
