Saturday 31 August 2024


Most musicians dream of selling out Madison Square Garden or going straight to Number One in the charts with their latest release. Or even supporting Oasis at Wembley in 2025. And I'm not necessarily saying that I don't. But, all of the above pales into insignificance compared to the accolade I received earlier today. I was only featured, puffs chest out theatrically, in this week's Saturday Snapshots. IMHO that's as big as it gets. It's like Lord Lucan finding the Ark of the Covenant (as very nearly was today's answer!) Thank you, Rol. I was honoured and tickled. All at the same time. I'm truly not worthy. 

Before I go I must just mention the little showcase gig (see above flyer) I'm playing next Thursday. Joining the Third Thursday Songwriters has really kickstarted my songwriting. Five songs in as many months - there never were such times. Come along and you'll hear a couple of them, I'm sure. 


  1. I'm worried the sudden onset of megastardom might to your head. There are rumours you have insisted on only having yellow M&Ms at the showcase on Thursday. Hope that goes well.

    1. David Lee Roth has a lot to answer for. For me, it's always been Caramac bars.

  2. Such an accolade, it doesn't get much better!
    Enjoy Thursday. Having been treated to some of your song-writing talents in Edinburgh I know it will be good.
