Monday, 15 April 2019

Oh! You Pretty Things

An early sighting of the Swedey McSwedeface*
Yesterday was a good day. A very good day, in fact. Our inaugural Sunday Vinyl Session at the Running Horse went really well: listening to Bowie's Hunky Dory - in its entirety - thru the house PA was absolutely spellbinding. (A big thank you to everyone who came out, and thank you, again, to Rich, my partner in crime.)
We're already building up a head of steam and have loads of ideas for upcoming albums and associated events/gigs on the back of it.
Watch this space, as they say.

In keeping with these crazy times we even had a meaningful vote - to whittle down our very longlist of potential albums for next month to a more manageable shortlist which we'll decide over the next day or two on social media.
I'm really hoping I won't have to go to Brussels to ratify the final choice.

But what made yesterday an especially good day was the visit of a blogging buddy of mine who has been reading and commenting on my blog (and me his) for nigh on a decade. But we'd never met. As I was setting the levels on the mixing desk a fella walked in the pub with a vinyl album shielding the lower half of his face* and extended his hand: the Swede. He'd travelled over 100 miles to listen to this album. That's how good Hunky Dory is. I'm afraid it meant even more chinwagging, more beer consumption and staying out all night (it's a dirty job, but someone had to do it). Roll on Session #2 - Sunday 12 May.

Hunky Dory. And a b**tleg
And from this fine album, here's what some people on Twitter are calling the best song. Ever. I'm not arguing with that.

David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things (1972)

* Swedey McSwedeface


  1. Great picture of the two of you and it sounds as if it was the best of days for all sorts of reasons. Also sounds as if you have a regular event on the calendar - long may it continue.

    (Had almost forgot about the whole Swedey McSwedeface phenomenon, but if I remember correctly it all started with TS calling it his Sleeveface, then I called it Sleevey McSleveface then Charity Chic sealed the deal with the name we now know and love.)

  2. That's right Alyson, it was the craze that swept the nation for all of, er, 10 minutes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good grief, not again! I remember taking that picture well as it was the 40th anniversary of the death of Elvis, so loads of us were posting such memorabilia.

      (Sorry a typo the first time!)

  3. Great to see two legends in the one room listening to another legend

    1. You can never have enough legends in the same room.

  4. This photo makes my day. So cool you fellas met up.

  5. What a wonderful surprise to have the Swede drop in for a listen! I'd pop in myself if I were living over there.

    Don't know if I can agree with "the best song . . . ever" part, but can't fault fans' enthusiasm for their own favourite discs.

    1. Thank you Marie. Feel free to a 'Swedey McSwedeface'. I'd love to know what your first album was.

  6. My thanks to John and Jenny for being such wonderful hosts to their surprise guest and for leading me, willingly, into alcoholic temptation.
    What a lovely day it was.

    1. You may now consider yourself a Freeman of the City of Nottingham. I hereby allow you to drove sheep over Trent Bridge.

  7. Replies
    1. TS has thrown the gauntlet down, C - well and truly...
