It all started in 2010; and by 'it' I mean this blog
Monday, 8 February 2016
It was twenty six years ago today
At 05:27 on February 8 1990 the Number One Son came kicking and screaming into the world. He made me, and continues to make me, a very happy man. By the time I’d held him for the first time, rung friends and family from the hospital payphone, had a strong cup of coffee and made my way back to the car, it was just getting light. I unlocked the door, fired up the engine and put the car radio on. It was Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs that came blaring out the speakers as I made the short journey home to get some kip – I’d been awake for nearly two days.
Now, whenever I hear this song I’m transported back to Nottingham City Hospital and the moment I realised I was a dad.
Happy Birthday James.
Lovely. Happy birthday Mr Medd Jr.