One of the many things that set Rocket apart from its competitors was its visitors' book: everyone who walked through their bright red front door (irrespective of whether they'd made a purchase or not) was encouraged to sign their book. I say book, when the receivers came in last week they took control of fifty A4 bound volumes - one for every year. Rumour has it that the Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison signatures in there are for real; though probably not the Mick Jagger or (several) John Lennons.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Signing off
One of the many things that set Rocket apart from its competitors was its visitors' book: everyone who walked through their bright red front door (irrespective of whether they'd made a purchase or not) was encouraged to sign their book. I say book, when the receivers came in last week they took control of fifty A4 bound volumes - one for every year. Rumour has it that the Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison signatures in there are for real; though probably not the Mick Jagger or (several) John Lennons.
John Lennon,
Redwood City,
Rocket Records
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Don't forget the Joker(s)
My dad knows one card trick. He's very proud of it. He'll shuffle a complete deck of cards, offer you them face down and ask you to pick a card, any card. He will then proceed to tell you which card you've just picked. 'The Joker', he'll say, smilingly. And, sure enough, it is the Joker. However, considering this pack comprises fifty-two Jokers, it's hardly magic. But it keeps my dad amused.
I'd like to think Lemmy would have liked it too.
I'd like to think Lemmy would have liked it too.
Lemmy: b. 24 December 1945, d. 28 December 2015
Gordon Medd,
Playing Cards
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
James Medd rounds up 2015 (2)
2. Don’t Wanna Fight - Alabama Shakes
3. Alright - Kendrick Lamar
4. On Fire Tonight - Blackalicious
5. Cockeyed Rabbit Wrapped in Plastic - SLUG
6. The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apt. - Father John Misty
7. Pretty Pimpin’ - Kurt Vile
8. 20/20 - Gaz Coombes
9. Beautiful Blue Sky - Ought
10. Breaker - Deerhunter
11. Fractals - Keep Shelly In Athens
12. Don’t Breath Out- Roots Manuva
13. Come Home Baby - The Charlatans
It probably won't surprise you to hear that The Number One Son listens to far more new music than his old man these days. Anyone on the receiving end of one of my Best Ofs this year doesn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that precious little contained therein was made this year; precious little of it was made this century.
James asked if I'd listen to his 2015 round up and tell him what I thought of it. Like he does every year. But he already knows that Come Home Baby (track 13) was voted my Single of the Year way back in March and that Father John Misty (track 5) can do no wrong. So, instead of a conventional review, here's my pick of the rest. Each one comes with its own concise (some may say lazy) one word synopsis.
Gaz Coombes
'Beautiful Blue Sky'
Roots Manuva
'Don't Breathe Out'
Keep Shelly in Athens
'Cockeyed Rabbit Wrapped in Plastic'
Monday, 28 December 2015
Older? Yep. Wiser? Probably not
The card from The Number One Son |
The cake |
The baker |
It had to happen. You can't stay in your early fifties forever. I was born on a Wednesday, so I really am trying not to be full of woe. Being surrounded by family helps; that and having my birthday cake delivered, personally, earlier this morning by the baker. A few beers and a curry later and I'm sure the idea of reaching my Britvic birthday will sink in. Life must go on.
Sunday, 27 December 2015
No excuses
in the games room: hours of endless fun c/o the freaky deaky Dutch |
Last night's Boxing Day celebrations at Medd Towers will live long in the memory. A veritable feast was laid on for this invite only event, straddling, as it does, Christmas Day and my birthday; all washed down with (among other concoctions) several Black & Tans and a rather nice Port (poured direct from the freezer, for reasons nobody can quite remember). The entertainment included a few rounds of Sjoelbakken - a spectacular game from The Netherlands that has been played in Medds' residences up and down the UK for at least three generations.
The lovely Adele came bearing gifts: I was presented with a beautiful note book - it's got lines and perforations and everything. And in the bottom right hand corner of each page sits an outline drawing of an acoustic guitar. Now I have absolutely no excuse for not using the opportunity of a few days' down time to write a new song. Have I?
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Christmases were better in the seventies
The images above show that there was a time when I could slide quite comfortably into a football strip (and a tank top come to that) and not get asked if I'd eaten all the pies. And the final picture (below), although not taken at Christmas, is a photograph that only came into my possession yesterday. It's of mum and her father in the back garden of the family home in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. I'm guessing it was taken c.1937.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
![]() |
That was then, this is now |
I mention all of this because the other day someone referred to me as fragile. I let it pass. But I really had to bite my lip. Five years ago, maybe. You can call me sensitive all day long – guilty as charged. But fragile? Not any more.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Fifth Beatles

The lovely Kirstie, currently stepping out with The Number One Son (and a none too shabby photographer), had just taken these two excellent snaps of the pair of them and decided to share them with me and Jenny.
* Turns out it was
Astrid Kirchherr,
Fifth Beatle,
James Medd,
Stuart Sutcliffe,
The Beatles
Sunday, 20 December 2015
If I make but one New Year's Resolution it will be to make sure Steve and I see more of each other next year than we did this. Maybe a return trip to New York could be on the cards - twenty one years since we were last there together. And maybe, if the planets align, we could catch resident New Yorker Vic Ruggiero at The Knitting Factory. Or some other hipster venue. I think I'll start growing my beard now.
Vic Ruggiero: Always Something In My Blindspot
Steve Brassington,
The Slackers,
Vic Ruggiero
Thursday, 17 December 2015
You're the One

Carl Hetherington,
James Medd,
John Medd
Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Fruit Machine,
Planet Rock,
The Full English
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
At the wrong end of your digital radio dial lives a music station that time forgot. Reports have reached Medd Towers that Doug McClure was spotted there recently. Planet Rock, clad from head to toe in faded denim soaked in patchouli oil and with more badges, patches and studs than can possibly be good for you, have a strapline - ‘Where Rock Lives’ - a little incongruous for a dinasour led station. 'Where Rock Made In The 1970s Lives’, although a bit of a mouthful for their gravel throated voice over man, would be a far truer mission statement.
Every weekday morning Dave Double Decks (real name Paul Anthony – surely the most wooden radio presenter ever to have sat in front of a microphone) presents The Full English: a trio of heavy rock classics chosen by a hapless listener from Wolverhampton (they’re always from Wolverhampton) and played between 7:30 and 8:00. This is Planet Rock in microcosm. And I love it. Actually, I loathe it – it’s a fine line. But it sure beats Thought for the Day. Did I mention that some of these metal trilogies are themed? Wolverhampton Man will often put his thinking cap on and come up with three bands he saw at his local miners welfare in 1979 or three songs he had on his car cassette player when he bought his first Austin Allegro.
Not that I could do any better. But I’ll give it a go. In fact, I started yesterday. If you read Monday’s blog, that was my first selection. At the bottom of this page you’ll see my second selection.
UFO epitomise English rock bands. English rock bands are hard working, honest as the day is long and know how to write a catchy riff. Sometimes they’ll get lucky (think Def Leppard), but usually they’re quite happy plying their trade in the lower leagues. Phil Mogg and Pete Way (UFO's vocalist and bass player) not only know how to write great riffs (Rock Bottom, Lights Out, Doctor Doctor) but they can write melodies too. Cherry being a case in point. Apologies in advance for this quite literal video interpretation of today’s Full English: contains gratuitous table top dancing.

Not that I could do any better. But I’ll give it a go. In fact, I started yesterday. If you read Monday’s blog, that was my first selection. At the bottom of this page you’ll see my second selection.
UFO epitomise English rock bands. English rock bands are hard working, honest as the day is long and know how to write a catchy riff. Sometimes they’ll get lucky (think Def Leppard), but usually they’re quite happy plying their trade in the lower leagues. Phil Mogg and Pete Way (UFO's vocalist and bass player) not only know how to write great riffs (Rock Bottom, Lights Out, Doctor Doctor) but they can write melodies too. Cherry being a case in point. Apologies in advance for this quite literal video interpretation of today’s Full English: contains gratuitous table top dancing.
UFO: Cherry
Fruit Machine,
Planet Rock,
The Full English,
Monday, 14 December 2015

And it was whilst in North America that year they took time out to record selections for what would become Led Zeppelin 2, the imaginatively titled follow up to their debut platter. And the album that would break them on both sides of the Atlantic.
This little bit of rock and roll plagiarism may have cost them a few bob in out of court settlements and royalties, but by that time they were good for it.
Fruit Machine,
Led Zeppelin,
Planet Rock,
The Full English
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Old Toy Trains
Quality Street. Not just a tin of chocolates that comes into the house but once a year, but also the title of Nick Lowe's festive album from 2013.
It's been playing in the car all week and may well be the soundtrack to this afternoon's decorating of the tree. I'll have to run it by the committee first, of course. The tree is traditionally decked with Dean Martin 'Live at the Sands' playing in the background, but as we're a week early (James is here this weekend, not next), it may be time to ring in the changes. I am, however, expecting stiff opposition.
Maybe they'll let me play both?
Nick Lowe - Old Toy Trains (2013)
James Medd,
Nick Lowe
Friday, 11 December 2015
Dear Diary...

So if you're reading this, and have stuck with me this far, thank you. What started out as nothing more than a vanity project has certainly lasted longer than I ever thought it would. I look forward to writing each of these pieces so much I can't begin to tell you. What it must be like to read them, however, I couldn't possibly say. But as 2016 is only a handful of days away and this blog enters its seventh year, even I can only guess what lies in wait around the next corner.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Feeling Low

Then again, you'll probably be shortlisted if you tell me that you normally despise Christmas records, but are quite partial to this little ditty.
Low: Just Like Christmas
* It's Steve's daughter's birthday today. Happy Birthday Faye x
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
The only creed you need
You may have a personal creed. Or you may not. You may well wing it most of the time - I know I do. And just when you think things should be wrapped up nicely and everything in its place, you find life still throws bouncers in your general direction. Thankfully, most of them whistle by your ears without actually making contact. Most of them. I'm hoping one day things will start to settle down. Or, maybe, this is how it's meant to be. Who knows? All I do know is - don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours. It's the only creed you need.
Baz Luhrmann,
Mary Schmich,
Playing Cards
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Five things I've discovered in 2015
I always like to learn at least one new fact each day: something I didn't know the day before. That and counting three good things that have happened to me each day before I go to sleep. Some days that's easier than others.
But discovering new things that you know will enrich your life forever is something that doesn't happen every day. And if you think I mean discovering inner peace or lining up my chakras then you obviously don't know me very well. No, I mean things that have blindsided me out of nowhere. You may call them trivial, but I would argue otherwise. So here are five things that I discovered this year.
Frozen Grapes
I recently ordered the cheeseboard in a newly opened pub in Leeds and was taken immediately with the bunches of frozen grapes that accompanied the cheese, crackers, cucumber and pickle. Each bite was like an instant sorbet rush that, to many, may well set their teeth on edge. Not me. Rest assured this delicacy will be coming to a menu near my dining table soon. And often.
Black & Tan
I like beer. Who doesn't? And I like real ales. Again, what's not to like? I'm even, for my sins, a card carrying member of CAMRA. I go to beer festivals and everything. But, at the end of the day, I like the taste of beer. And as a result I'm not precious about where it comes from or, indeed, whether it calls itself cask or keg. Or Craft. And trust me on this one, many many people do. And will debate for hours about how they will only drink a particular style of beer that is brewed in a particular way and kept a particular way.
So when a friend of mine said to me recently he's rather partial to half a pint of stout and half a pint of bitter in the same pint glass, I was intrigued. So intrigued that since this recent discovery I've drunk nothing else since. The purists probably hate it. Their loss.
Now obviously I didn't discover art in 2015. But what I did discover is that I like doing it. And other people quite like it too: I even exhibited my work for the first time. Nothing has pleased me more this year than doing paintings for friends, especially my Penguin range, and creating unique pieces of art I know they will treasure. My friends Adele and Darren being two that spring to mind.
I've got some great ideas for 2016 and hope to show some of them here in the not too distant.
Guitar solos make all the difference
Ben Watt writes some great songs. You've only got to take one look at his output with Everything But The Girl to appreciate that. But last year he made a delightful album with Bernard Butler. And it was Butler's deft guitar work that transformed many of those tunes. Not least, this live version of Never Forget.
James Medd did something similar for me only last month. My song, What Are You Waiting For, had been languishing in the long grass for ages before James brought his magic to it.
I know I said this list was going to be trivial. But I can't put this year to bed without mentioning the most seismic thing that happened to me this year. After mum passed away in the summer my dad could so easily have hit the buffers and given up. In fact, if dad had gone first that's precisely what would have happened to mum. But he didn't. Yes, he mourned her loss (and still does, obviously) and yes he continues to live in the same house they shared for the last forty odd years. But dad is slowly coming out the other side. And, what I've discovered, certainly, is a new version of my dad. I've touched upon it before so won't dwell on it here. Suffice to say he'll be back again in a couple of weeks and will spend Christmas (and my birthday) with us and that's the only present I want this year.
Adele Baker,
Gordon Medd,
James Medd
Thursday, 3 December 2015
James Medd rounds up 2015 (1)

Thirteen tracks and fifty minutes later, the last song was fading out just as I pulled on to the drive and killed the engine. It's all about the timing(s).
A full track listing, c/w links, and review will be posted here before Crimbo. But in the meantime, this was the third or fourth tune in. A modern classic, I'm sure you'll agree.
Father John Misty: The Night Josh Tilllman Visited our Apartment
Father John Misty,
James Medd,
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