Friday, 30 August 2013
I need a Saga

Thursday, 29 August 2013
Every now and again I slip anchor from Even Monkeys Fall Out of Trees and scribble a few words for other like minded coves. Moonlighting, if you will. It never did Leo Sayer any harm. This week I put in a shift with The Rocking Vicar.
If you take a stroll over to the vicarage you'll see how the Angora goat joins the dots between jazz crooners and punks. That's right, this hillside roaming grass muncher is the missing link between Frank Sinatra and Johnny Rotten. Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd write.
Angora Goat,
Frank Sinatra,
Johnny Rotten,
The Rocking Vicar
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Ramblin' Man
Welcome to the Heffer Dome
Left to my own devices, and home alone, my default position is invariably sitting in a favourite chair with a glass of something and reading a book with a cat on my knee. But when the mood takes me I love to walk. Into the great wide open. And living where I do, the great wide open is nearer than it’s ever been.
On Saturday the Lady of the house went on a 48 hour smash and grab raid in search of shoes and handbags. I went rambling. And I was joined by two wingmen. Well, one of them was a wingman – he sported a black beard and seemed to instinctively know where he was going. She was a vision in red ankle socks.
We rambled up hill and we rambled down dale. The views were stunning and the weather held. We swapped stories, cups of tea and chocolate bars. And we saw some cows, 12 to be precise. It was a figure of eight route with more follies, monuments and gargoyles than you could shake a shitty stick at.
Three hours later and we repaired to a hostelry for a well earned flagon of frothing ale. Note to self: I must do this more often.
Castle Howard,
Jane Friend,
lemon jelly,
Phil Friend,
Ramblin' Man
Monday, 26 August 2013
To Remind Me
I know I can be outspoken when I've got the bit between my teeth; but even I am invariably on the losing end of any argument that sees me trying to defend Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep as a credible pop single, a worthy Number One and, not, in any way, the template for Agadoo.
Sally Carr's clarion call, all the better for its discernible Lanarkshire lilt, enthralled me then and enthralls me still. Her yellow crochet hot pants may or may not have played a part also.
And although Middle of the Road were seen by many as a one trick pony, you'd be hard pushed to find any current recording artist out there who has shifted a combined 7 million copies of their first three singles.
I rediscovered this well woven little number yesterday while trying in vain to introduce some semblance of order into a record collection which, let me assure you, has never been described as middle of the road.
Middle of the Road - To Remind Me
Sunday, 25 August 2013
20 Years,
Get a Room,
The Civil Wars,
Union Chapel
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Poster Boy
I’ve been a bit tardy, I know, but I’ve finally got around to having a little launch party for Pickering Place, my debut EP. It’s at The Kirk Theatre, Pickering, just outside York, on Saturday 7 September.
Joining me on the night will be the fabulous award winning songwriter, David Swann: he’ll be performing solo and with his new band Freefall. Also playing, spreading their intoxicating brand of feel good vibes, all the way from Manchester, are Frozen Gin. I’m particularly looking forward to their set as I taught the guitarist everything he knows.
And, finally, our MC for the evening, keeping the whole thing together, will be my good friend Martin Robertson. If I talk to him nicely he may even sing a song or two himself.
If you fancy it, come on down (or up) and say hello – I’d love to see you. And it’s all in aid of charity. I’ll even let you buy me a drink.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Black is the Colour
When Paul Weller decided to cover Black is the Colour he strayed as far from his mod credentials as he'd ever done in his career; unfortunately he'd bought a return ticket. Imagine if he'd stayed in that folky netherworld and not come back. His voice really does suit ballads and dirges. A friend of mine has got his 'phone number - I'm very tempted to blag it and give The Bard of Woking a call: 'Paul, do you fancy coming up to our acoustic night and playing a few tunes? No, I'm perfectly serious. We're only a little club so we'd only be only to pay your petrol. But we've got a spare bed if you want to crash the night. Don't worry, you don't have to sing any shanties. Well, not unless you want to.'
Black is the Colour,
Paul Weller
Sunday, 18 August 2013
White Supremacy
This post could just as easily have been called I'm Dreaming of a White Album or The Future is White. In the world of Venn Diagrams I'm not sure what the crossover between Beatles fans and right wing fanatics is, but if any of the latter have found this site by mistake I hope they move along - there's nothing to see here.
We all have a favourite album. That piece of plastic you pull out to get you through the bad times; as well as the good. An album, in all likelihood, you own more than one copy of - the original, the remastered limited edition anthology version including demos by the band when they were still in short trousers and even shorter on ideas. New York artist Rutherford Chang is, as you can see in this short film, rather partial to The White Album by The Beatles. Part of me admires him. And part of me thinks he's barking.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
When an injustice unfolds under your very nose it's hard not to speak out and say something; keeping quiet is not an option. I can't say too much about this particular episode because, even as I type, an investigation is under way.
So what, precisely, is this wrong that needs righting I hear you ask? Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to divulge such information. But what I can tell you is that a gentleman from Cromarty, in the North East of Scotland, was robbed. In broad daylight. Don't worry, he wasn't hurt. Just a little shaken.
Pending the outcome of the aforementioned investigation I will be able to report back and tell you how this whole sorry affair was resolved. In the meantime, why not have a listen to this cracking little song from David Cowan:
Friday, 16 August 2013
There are some bad people out there; they don't always creep up from behind and cosh you 'round the back of the head with a length of lead piping and throw you in the cut. But they're still bad, all the same. If you don't keep all your savings in pound notes under the mattress and insist on carrying plastic, then make sure you're aware of the courier scam.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
A hill of beaNZ

Despite numerous invitations we've still not seen them in their new hemisphere. So I'm forever quizzing them about life on the other side: Climate, population, economy, petrol prices, beer - all the usual stuff. And, fair play, they humour me; they know that by the time we finally do acquese they'll have started their next new adventure across the Tasman Sea in Oz.

New Zealand,
Monday, 12 August 2013
Just back from a most agreeable folk festival in the North East of England; for an area described by George Osborne's father-in-law last week as desolate and only fit for fracking, a more vibrant, friendly and cultural area I've yet to discover. With champagne moments too numerous to list here, a festival high was seeing Edwina Hayes on the Friday night and then meeting her the following lunchtime at a Meet the Songwriters session. She was, without doubt, one of the most charming, intelligent and funny women I've ever met. And she writes some intoxicating tunes to boot.
As a slightly quirky footnote Edwina talked briefly about her father, now residing in Argentina. Even by her own admission he's a bit of a lad. If you've got a spare five minutes click on his website for a brief bio and some of the craziest quotes attributed to anyone.
Bill Hayes,
Edwina Hayes,
Pour Me A Drink,
Thursday, 8 August 2013
If Ben Kweller's Thirteen had been around when I was a youth this achingly beautiful song would have found its way on to every mix tape I ever did for a girl. Now, as a middle aged man, I find myself including it on compilation CDs and Spotify playlists for other middle aged men. No matter, that doesn't stop it from being an achingly beautiful song. If only I was still a flirt.
Ben Kweller,
Mix Tape,
Monday, 5 August 2013
Sky Ground

Friday, 2 August 2013
Lions, Peacocks and Magpies

Thursday, 1 August 2013
A theme park just around the corner from us unveiled its new ride this week. It made the local paper; with speed/drop/G-force stats that would make your hair, quite literally, stand on end I think it's safe to say I'll be sticking to the tea cups. Or the dodgems. But I digress. Reading the feature I was more interested in who they'd got to open this end of pier attraction. *Drum roll* Peter Lorimer! Or to give him his full title Peter 'Hot-Shot' Lorimer. A former Leeds Utd striker with a shot so fierce he was once pictured in Rothmans with his right foot cooling down in a bucket of cold water.
David Coleman,
Leeds Utd,
Peter Lorimer,
Sniffer Clarke
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