Don't worry, I'm not getting bent out of shape over this; but when Kate Moss lit up a Benson & Hedges on the cat walk last week (on National No Smoking Day) it started a chain of events, the aftershock of which will be felt by the medical profession for years to come: in the same way her throwaway comment 'nothing tastes like skinny feels' encouraged gullible young models to starve themselves so they can fit into size zero frocks, so the take up of impressionable girls starting the habit seems set to rise.
As the above photo demonstrates, Moss is already taking on board the smokers 'long paper round' look. It won't be long 'til she looks in the mirror and sees this staring back at her. Pretty scary, huh?

I prefer to remember Bardot this way
A grim prospect. Not that I care what she ends up looking like.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that's only an excuse for me to say Thanks for recommending The Maintenance Of Headway as I read that over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Ta.
It's a cracking read isn't it Simon? Try All Quiet On The Orient Express next if you haven't already read it - Amazon Marketplace are selling it for a penny!
ReplyDeleteThe older Bardot is a bit of an easy target really - but wouldn't you rather that than those pinch-eyed Stepford faces they all seem to have now?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd bet Bardot wore her mid 30s better than Mossy does
I reckon I've got better teeth than Moss...just saying
ReplyDeleteM - Targets are just that, targets - aren't they? Some days I struggle to hit the board, let alone aim for (and get) the Bull's Eye. But, of course, you're right - Bardot in her prime would have wiped the floor with Moss. However, fags coupled with total disregard for sunscreen have turned her from Sex Goddess into a Silurian in just a few short years. Maybe the Government/Health Dept. should just put a pictures of Bardot (aged 25 and aged 50) on all packets of twenty (instead of diseased lungs) and then (maybe) only hardened smokers/stupid new recruits would worship at the altar of nicotine.
ReplyDeleteLJ - Not having seen your mug-shot (let alone your dental records) means I am left with no alternative but to take you at your word. Say 'cheese!'
ReplyDeleteSeemingly no substance either...all about publicity.