Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Swiss Adam

Swiss Adam: he's not really Swiss, you know

Our next #BlogCon25 interviewee is unfortunately not coming to Bristol in June. But, as with Rol, Swiss Adam is an honorary squad member. His longstanding invitation to this or any future blogging convention will remain open in perpetuity. I'll give you an idea of just how prolific a writer Adam is: we both started blogging around the same time and, in the intervening 15 years, I've written just north of 1,500 posts; Adam, meanwhile, has penned 6,000. Six thousand! Whereas I'm just playing at this blogging lark, Swiss Adam is the real deal. Over to you, Adam...

* What was the first band you ever went to see?

Madness at Manchester Apollo, 1983 (I was 13, half my school were there probably much the annoyance of their older fans). They were supported by JoBoxers, so technically they were the first band I saw. 

JoBoxers - Keeping the devil in Hell

* The best single ever released is...?

Good question. Today it's White Man In Hammersmith Palais because I just heard the sad news that Johnny Green, The Clash's road manager has died. 

* What or who got you into blogging? Is writing every day good for your soul? And where did Swiss Adam come from? 

I got into blogging because I spent a couple of years reading other people's music blogs, back in 2007-9, some long gone and some still going (The Vinyl Villain, Acid Ted). Eventually I thought 'I can have a go at this' and started out. In the beginning, 1st Jan 2010, I was only intending to do it for a year, and see where it took me. Also, at fist I thought it was about the music but after a while I realised it wasn't just about the music, it was about the writing. And the community. Writing every day is good for my soul. I like the discipline of it, of having to come up with something. It works for me. Swiss Adam comes from my band Swiss Guards, active in the late 90s and 00s. I was vocals and some of the guitars, lyrics and ham-fisted chord changes.

* Guitar bands or DJ sets?

Both. Bands for the short hit, DJs for the longer journey

* Supplementary questions - Stone Roses or Happy Mondays? / Mr. Scruff or A Guy Called Gerald?

Roses / Gerald. 

* Manchester is closing next week for major refurbishment. Could take up to five years. Everyone's being displaced. Where are you pitching up?

Whenever I visit Sheffield I think that's somewhere I could live. I love Liverpool but the respective fortunes of our football teams might set my teeth on edge. Having been to Belfast last week I could happily spend five years there if I had to. 

Belfast - "Hello & Welcome"

* What item/thing/trinket/ do you own that you've had for the longest time and would never part with? 

I have some books and records from teenage years I'd hate to part with. 

* The pub 50 yards from your house has got the best jukebox in town but their beer is shocking. The pub five miles away has the best beer selection in Europe but the landlord plays Take That and Gary Barlow on constant rotation. Where are you taking me? (Obviously this is before Manchester shuts down!)

The pub with the good beer. We can sit outside to escape the TT/ Barlow horror.

* Books/Audiobooks/Kindle - what does it for you? And what are you currently reading? 

Books. Every time. You can't beat the feel and the smell of a book. Storage becomes an issue but it's a price worth paying. 
Munichs by David Peace and Dylan Goes Electric by Elijah Wald. 

* The time machine question. (It's just been serviced btw so you can go backwards or forwards). Where and when are you going? 

Late 70s, either the Clash live in concert in the UK, then across the Atlantic and catch them in the USA. Or a 1920s, post Great War, European jaunt to Paris, Berlin & beyond. 

* Who put the Ram in the Rama Lama Ding Dong?

I dunno. Speak to Primal Scream - they had the Rama Lama Fa Fa Fa and borrowed & stole from all over the place, so maybe they know.


Thank you, Adam. And it's never too late to change yer mind about Bristol! 

Sunday, 2 March 2025

I'm John Medd (no alias for this boy!)

Gonna need a bigger pocket
(On the back of my recent BlogCon25 Q&As, Alyson & C, between them, have been vox popping our fellow bloggers and have presented me with a number of their questions! (The tables are well and truly turned. I'm sure Robin Day never suffered such a fate). So, as Alyson said in her covering email, "this is a guest post from your blogging pals." Even the title of today's post is hers, nothing to do with me! - JM)
I think we can all agree that John is the least anonymous of any of us in our little corner of the blogosphere. Bit by bit, however, he has cleverly and sensitively drawn the rest of us out from the shadows, and what with the Swedey McSwedeface gallery, and the three meet-ups in the real world, many of us are now a lot less anonymous than we ever intended - but what a joy it has been, and for most of us a completely unexpected bonus from this hobby of ours. Covid got in the way for a couple of years but without John's persistence BlogCon22 would never have got off the ground and for that we thank him. BlogCon25 is not far off now - who would have thought ten years ago such an annual event would be on the calendar? We've all been enjoying his recent Q&A series with BlogCon25 participants and affiliates. Now it's his turn to spill the beans, the questions coming from bloggers north, south, east and west. Over to you John.

From Charity Chic: What would be your Desert Island Disc record and book? 

As a devotee of BBC's DID I'm assuming CC is asking me which of my favourite eight discs I'd rush to save from the waves on my desolate island? Having a constant diet of just eight discs would be a kind of torture in itself, let alone just one. Therefore, as big a Beatles nut as I am I wouldn't feel the need to have any of their stuff with me as every note, every hook, every verse, chorus and melody are hardwired into my skull; I hear them even when they're not playing if that makes sense. So I'll go with something that won't grate every time I hear it (providing I get rescued before too long!). And that disc would have to be Blockbuster by the Sweet. My book? That's easy. The combined works of Magnus Mills. I can reread his novels and short stories and always find something new in there. 

From Ernie: You are commissioned to present a travel series called 'Medd on the Med'. Where do you head for first and why?

I'm reliably informed there are 33 cities on the Med. I'd like to spend a few days in each one and go round them all in alphabetical order (much to my producer's chagrin) - starting in Alanya in Turkey and winding up in Vlorë in Albania.

From C: As you know, I do like your taste in shirts. Have you always been a fan of unusual and striking designs and are there any particular characters whose sartorial style has inspired your choices? 

Why, thank you! Nope, I just buy shirts I like (and fit). Back in the day, I used to love Pop 84 and Disciple shirts; these days they can be from goth shops, charity shops, Ebay. I'm not proud! Many moons ago, whilst watching Have I Got News For You, I was chuffed/put out (in equal measure) when I saw Paul Merton wearing a shirt I'd recently bought in Madrid. 

From Khayem: What, when and where did you first perform as a musician to an audience, and why that particular song?

It was the early 90s and I was performing in a trio called The Three Daves (don't ask). We played a local beer festival in a big tent to a crowd who were nearly as drunk as we were. I was on vocals, guitar and percussion. We did a load of Beatles covers but for some reason I can only remember Across the Universe. 

From The Swede: The old time machine is on its way out I'm afraid. I've tried turning it off and on again to no avail, it's basically kaput. It has two seats, but only three still operating settings and just enough juice left for you to make use of one of them. Which do you choose? (a) A journey back to 1972 to witness ELP play Trilogy in its entirety, exclusively for you and a guest, (b) A similar trip to 1974 to be in an audience of two while Sweet play Sweet Fanny Adams from start to finish, or (c) To 1978 where Generation X will bash through their debut LP for the delectation of you and your +1. The supplementary question is of course, just who would be your +1? 

Oof! This is tough. So when you say a performance just for me and my +1 you mean like a soundcheck? Sorry to be pedantic. Three very appealing scenarios but I think I'd have to plump for the Sweet; I never saw the original four piece with BC so, yeah, it'd have to be SFA. My +1? It would be my good friend Steve. Even now, rarely a week goes by where we don't talk about the Sweet. (FYI - if I'd have gone for Gen X my +1 would have been Riggsby. We did see them at West Runton Pavilion together in '78 when they essentially did the setlist you mention (it'd be great to relive it). And if I'd have set the coordinates for ELP then the Swede would have been riding shotgun with me.) 

The Sweet - Blockbuster (1973)

From Alyson: We all know you have a great love for photography and taking artistic shots. What was the first camera you bought with your own money and what did you first take pictures of? 

As a teen I had an instamatic that I took everywhere, including Charlton in 1976 when I saw The Who. Then came a cheap and cheerful 110 film camera - quality was poor but I was only snapping cars and girlfriends so it didn't really matter!. It was only when I discovered 35mm SLR photography that I 'got serious': I bought a clunky East German Praktica MTL3 which was virtually indestructible. Not long after I also got my first Olympus XA2 (point and shoot) which meant candid photography became so much easier.  

From Martin: You write, you make music, you take photographs... if a Faustian pact was offered that promised widespread critical and commercial acclaim in one of those fields but at the expense of having to completely give up the other two, permanently, would you take it? And, if so, which field would you choose to be a star in, and why? 

You flatter me, Martin! However, I only profess to be a jack of all trades. Neither my writing, my photography or my music, I feel, (with a couple of exceptions*) is good enough to warrant plaudits. I'm just happy that 1. I still enjoy doing all three and 2. (Sometimes) others seem to enjoy it too. * That said, there are a couple songs of mine I would really like to see 'out there' i.e. with someone else singing them. Maybe one day... 

From Rol: Imagine the Beeb bought your script about Lennon & McCartney back in 2009, and as a result, Sir Thumbs Aloft himself invited you round for tea. What would you talk about? Would you be embarrassed to meet him? Would you try to think up some questions nobody had ever asked him? What would you wear?

Good question(s)! I'd try not to be a fanboy, but it'd be hard. I think I'd like to talk to him about John and Stuart Sutcliffe: the best Beatle stories, for me, are those of early gigs in Liverpool and Hamburg. I'd probably wear my Monkees tee shirt. 

From Swiss Adam: My question is in honour of the Manchester's 90s dance music magazine Jockey Slut who used to close every Q and A with this question... Have you ever ridden a horse? 

Yes. And it didn't end well.

Thanks, John, for your entertaining series of Q&As and thanks also for taking the time to answer our questions above. I think we all knew the Sweet would put in an appearance.


(Thank you, Alyson. And to all my inquisitors! Just a quick footnote: remind me, TS, when we meet up, to give you a copy of the owners' manual for the time machine. It probably just needs its annual service - JM.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Shadow of my former self

After what seems like an age, welcome back my friends to the show that never ends - Photo Challenge! It's been a tough couple of months, I don't mind telling you, (see posts passim) but we're back - all present and correct. As predicted, we lost January and February so now 2025 becomes a metric year! But if I know you I've got a feeling we'll cram just as much into ten months as we have previously in twelve. And who better to kickstart #PC than our very good friend Rol Hirst.

"Hi John, Good to have you back. Hope the recovery is going well. Here are a couple of shadowy pics - I rejected loads more because they fell into the previous sunset/sunrise category. Hope they fit the bill. The one with the sculptures is at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. The other one is just some local woods. Take care, Rol." Thanks, Rol. As usual, a solid start to proceedings.

Next up, a shadow quartet brought to you by the Cheese Collective. The Cheese Collective - so named after the delightful get well cheese hamper they recently had delivered to my door - comprise three newbies to Photo Challenge and a, by now, regular - Johnny Legs.

Newbie No. 1 - Claire. She calls this one 'Anthony Gormley and his soul'. From Houghton Hall, Norfolk October 2024.

Newbie No. 2 - Margaret. 'Dudley and his shadow' - Whitby 2015.

Newbie No. 3 - Harry Harrington Harris - 'Margaret, Claire, Anthony Gormley and Catherine, Norfolk 24.10.24.' (For the record, Anthony Gormley and Catherine are not part of the Cheese Collective - JM)

Johnny Legs: "Lunchtime bell in the Douro Valley." A huge thank you to all four of you; for the photos and the cheese! 

Graham Lester George makes a welcome return. His tree shots from #PC October '24 were stunning. Here's another six of the best...

"Marseilles, 2009."

"Nottingham Castle, 2005."

"More London, 2016."

"Kitchen utensils."


"And finally, Budapest 2008." Thanks, Graham. A brilliant collection and no mistake.

Another couple of newbies: Rachael and Bob with their pooch, Maisie, on Whitby beach. Great stuff!

Cee, from Sun Dried Sparrows, and her favourite tiny spider c/w its tiny shadow. (As you know, I try not to rank photos on #PC but this is definitely in this month's Top 5 - JM.)

The current Mrs Medd and two self portraits. Thank you, Jenny!

Ernie Goggins next: "Hi John, hope you're feeling a bit better day by day. (I'm doing much better, thank you Ernie - JM.) I've struggled with the shadows theme as I am a simple-minded fool who only sees the sunshine. But here are two photos that are really silhouettes not shadows. One of the Hackney Colliery Band in concert and one of Billy Fury on the Albert Dock in Liverpool about to be bitten on the arse by a seal. The other is of an 'accidental exhibit' in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin - the lady in the wheelchair had been parked there temporarily - which has proper shadows although they are not really the point of the photo. All the best, E." I should have said shadows, silhouettes and reflections in my shout out. Great stuff, Ernesto.

David Cooper has a brilliant couplet up his sleeve: "Hi John, the first photo features my shadow twice - taken on the Thanet Coastal Path near Broadstairs. The second is a photo of Neuschwanstein Castle in the Black Forest emerging from the shadows."  Cheers, Coops; you never let me down.

My favourite teacher next - Miss Turner: "Me and Alfie walking by the Trent."

"Alfie again, looking more like a giraffe!" Thank you, Miss Turner. Say hello to Alfie for me.

Pete Zab always takes us to another level - "Hi John, I've attached four pictures for you. Not a lot to say about them, other than two were taken in Birmingham and two in Nottingham: Shadows on Milton Street, Nottingham - some lovely shadows created by a combination of trees, bus stops and shop fronts." 

"Rowers on the river, nicely framed by Trent Bridge." 

"Grand Central or New Street, whichever you prefer to call it. 

"And the Radisson Blu Hotel in Birmingham, a quick grab shot taken on my way back to the station. Looking forward to seeing the other contributions, Pete." Thanks, Pete. Brum is far from a photogenic city but you've done it proud.

Jo Shreeve my mate from Twitter (RIP) - Jo, please come over to Bluesy! - found this photo on her phone. "Hi John, some shadows from Stithians churchyard I took on the school run! x" Thanks, Jo. Always a superstar.

Three from Kotswold's finest, Mr. Khayem: "I was walking from work to a car park in Gloucester when I noticed my shadow against a brightly lit brick wall and thought 'Aha!' After a few attempts, I got one that I quite liked!" 

"Another night-time walk, though closer to home. The shadow of my hands holding the phone was created by my head torch, creating a symmetrical pattern." 

"The inevitable shadow on a beach shot!. You’ll have to take my word for it that said beach was a short bus ride from where Clan K were staying in Valencia, Spain." Thank you, K. I could tell the beach was in Spain - I know Spanish sand when I see it.

Swiss Adam is next off the mark - "The sun came out today for the first time in eons and I was able to get some shadows for you: a triptych of shadow self portraits that I'm calling 'Grass, Tarmac, and Black & White'". Thanks, Adam. I feel an album cover coming on.

The first from Riggsby, our San Diego corespondent, has no backup information whatsoever - maybe that's why I find it a tad eerie.

He goes on: "These red stools are at the entrance of a Chinese restaurant in Irvine California. Presumably people sit here when waiting for a table during busy times."

I said to Riggsby I was put in mind of the cover of Paul McCartney's first solo album.

"This was an evening in La Jolla a couple of streets from the Ocean. The colour came from the sunset on the austere concrete walls of the Museum of Contemporary Arts."

I asked Richard what colour would you call the wall. He said he didn't know, "but there must be a Pantone colour for it." Indeed there is, Richard; indeed there is...

The Swede "The silhouette of the South facing middle floor window in the building formerly known as Swede Towers, on a cold, damp morning around a decade ago." You've nailed it, TS. Thank you!

Tim W "Hi John, here’s a few shadow based pics. Been struggling a bit to find appropriate pics, will endeavour to up my game going forward. There’s a brace of The Waddler a small unit who thinks he’s at least the size of the shadow he casts. 

And a long legged hill walk in Hucknall & night time manoeuvres in Porto (not solely shadow based but I like the vibe). Cheers, Tim. You needn't have worried, Tim; a strong shadow game in evidence on all three. I think we need to introduce The Waddler to Alfie btw!

Martin of New Amusements (pictured with Mrs. New Amusements and New Amusements Minor) apologises for his lack of originality. Not a bit of it. Original or not, I think these long shadow pics (often on sand, often with dogs) are hugely entertaining.

Charity Chic tells me he " Big Leggie!" (See my note above).

My very good friend Neil Abdo pulls pints, paints, and pushes pedals. Here we see photographic evidence of the latter. Thanks, Neil! Ever thought about getting a mudguard?!

George from Portugal next: "Hi John,  hope all is well with you. Here's two for you. This is me me tending our goats - Parsley and Anita."

And this is me tending a bonfire." Thank you, George. Or should I say obrigado!

Alyson Mac (last seen dancing on tables) has a couple for me: "Hi John, two pics for you. A 'frost shadow' of our garden bench."

"My daughter and her husband sent us a photo of the hotel they stayed in recently, the hotel where Elvis Costello filmed the video for 'A Good Year for the Roses.'" Kudos for the frost shadow, Alyson! Ditto for namedropping Elvis Costello!

One or two from me to wrap things up. Part of my recuperation (and generally trying to return to normal - whatever normal is) has been going out for breakfast. This was taken last week in the Bentinck Hotel, Nottingham.

A former gas station in Nob Hill, Albuquerque, 2022. I'm pretty sure I had an identical toy garage when I was a kid. 

The entrance lobby to a rather resplendent gallery in downtown Los Angeles, 2022.

Bingham Leisure Centre, 2024. A winter sun on a freezing cold day with remnants of snow still on the ground.

The recently decommissioned Ratcliffe-upon-Soar Power Station just off J24 of the M1. Within two years these iconic towers will be blown to smithereens.

Nottingham Station. I still call it Nottingham Midland Station even though it's the only station in town and has been since they demolished Nottingham Victoria in the early 1970s.

The Abdication, my spiritual local. Taken sometime during Covid. 

The imposing wall of HMP Nottingham plays host to some lovely tree shadows.

Woolaton Hall, Nottingham: a.k.a. Wayne Manor, home to Bruce Wayne.

A huge thank you as always to everyone who took the time to send me their photos. Despite a late start to the year I've got a feeling 2025 will be our best yet. I'll post April's theme in the comments section below in a few days. See you soon. J x 


Before I go I just want to return briefly to Harry's 'Gormley photograph'; my eyes were drawn to the shaft of light from above descending upon Gormley's statue in an almost celestial manner. I hope Harry doesn't mind, but I briefly played around with his photo and tried to bring out further said shaft of light. I've probably failed miserably but I am a huge fan of AG and his iron men' and thank Harry in his absence for indulging me.


 Postscript 2.3.25

Following Riggsby's photos - and the mysterious 'rock' pic - he sent me the following email: "Hi John, thanks for posting my pics and it's great that you're back doing this. The first photo was taken on Potato Chip Rock in San Diego County. It's a popular spot on a popular hiking trail. People line up to go out onto the rock and those who are waiting take pictures for those whose turn it is on the rock." Wow! Looks amazing, Richard.